Sunday, 2 August 2009

Look what the sun brought out...

...a rare sighting of the lesser spotted hubby, drafted in to chop through the cauliflower and cabbage stems. Of course he just dug them up. Now why didn't I think of that?

YS is digging - again against a backdrop of sweetpeas. The "full frontal" of the boys had some graphic shots of weed in the background, hence this more "artistic" pic. Although now I look again, there are rather a lot of weeds here too. Are my posts following a pattern here?


  1. The weed issue just means that you are providing a natural, and happy environment for the native bugs. There, that sounds good - you can use that one! Plus good for you, getting the hubby out for some hard graft.

  2. Ha! I like that. All native bugs must be heading to my plot.
