Monday, 18 May 2009

Water Water Everywhere

You might think with all the rain we've been having watering wouldn't be top of our list. The shelf thingy in the background is excellent at stopping chicken nibbling so we use it a lot, but layers 2 and 3 stay very dry no matter how much rain we get, so ys helps me to water each day. Layer 4 is not used as the chickens like to shelter here from the rain and stand on anything they don't fancy eating. The chickens like to nip round to see what we are up to so ys has invented a chicken drink station and that needs watering too.

1 comment:

  1. I've still got loads of things in my greenhouse waiting to be planted out at the allotment and it's a major task watering everything in there.
    It seems your YS has got all your watering covered though.
